How do I get a Java maven build to fail for compiler warnings?

New in maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.0: the failOnWarning flag. This worked for me:


Note that I had to exclude the processing lint or otherwise auto-matter's annotations would break the build with cryptic "symbol not found" errors.

Update for the year 2015, using Maven 3.3 and Java 8.

Here's a minimal compiler configuration that enables all warnings and makes the build fail whenever warnings occur.


Bits of note:

  • <showWarnings>true</showWarnings> is required. For reasons unknown, Maven by default actively suppresses warnings with the -nowarn flag, so the -Xlint and -Werror flags would be ignored.
  • showDeprecation doesn't need to be enabled because -Xlint:all already emits deprecation warnings.
  • Experimentation shows that fork doesn't need to be enabled, even though the documentation says otherwise.

An update on 2020, I am using Spring Boot 2.2.5. The following config can stop the mvn install when warning, error happen.
