How do I find out what my external IP address is?

If you have access to a webserver with modphp, you can roll your own:

<?php print $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>

If you don't want that to get abused, you'll have to keep it secret or add request limits.

I've been using one on my server for years.


Create a file called whatismyip.php in your public_html folder in your website. It can be called anything and be anywhere in your webroot.

Add the line above, and then query your server:


for example.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to do it.

I would use a site like and parse the output. returns a very simple HTML file which looks like this:

    <title>Current IP Check</title>
    Current IP Address:

This should be very easy to parse. Moreover the site is exists for about ten years. There is hope that it will be around for a while. appears to be a workable alternative, as now requires membership for their automated link. They very kindly appear to be offering this service for free, so please don't abuse it.