How do I find out if first character of a string is a number?


Note that this will allow any Unicode digit, not just 0-9. You might prefer:

char c = string.charAt(0);
isDigit = (c >= '0' && c <= '9');

Or the slower regex solutions:

s.substring(0, 1).matches("\\d")
// or the equivalent
s.substring(0, 1).matches("[0-9]")

However, with any of these methods, you must first be sure that the string isn't empty. If it is, charAt(0) and substring(0, 1) will throw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. startsWith does not have this problem.

To make the entire condition one line and avoid length checks, you can alter the regexes to the following:

// or the equivalent

If the condition does not appear in a tight loop in your program, the small performance hit for using regular expressions is not likely to be noticeable.

Regular expressions are very strong but expensive tool. It is valid to use them for checking if the first character is a digit but it is not so elegant :) I prefer this way:

public boolean isLeadingDigit(final String value){
    final char c = value.charAt(0);
    return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');


