How do I find if an element contains a specific class with jQuery?

Just use QS

var hasClass = document.getElementById("myElement").querySelector(".myClass");

or you could recurse over the children

var element = document.getElementById("myElement");

var hasClass = recursivelyWalk(element.childNodes, function hasClass(node) {
  return node.classList.contains("myClass");

function recursivelyWalk(nodes, cb) {
    for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
        var node = nodes[i];
        var ret = cb(node);
        if (ret) {
            return ret;
        if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length) {
            var ret = recursivelyWalk(node.childNodes, cb);
            if (ret) {
                return ret;

Using recursivelyWalk and .classList (which can be shimmed).

Alternatively you can use jQuery

$("#myElement .myClass").hasClass("myClass");

or if you want composite operations without jQuery then try NodeComposite

NodeComposite.$("#myElement *").classList.contains("myClass");


if($('#myElement').children('.myClass').length) {
    // Do what you need to

The jQuery object returns an array, which has the .length property. The above code checks if there are any .myClass children in #myElement and, if there are (when .length isn't 0), executes the code inside the if() statement.

Here's a more explicit version:

if($('#myElement').children('.myClass').length > 0) {
    // Do what you need to

You could always use $('#myElement .myClass').length too, but $.children() is clearer to some. To find elements that aren't direct children, use $.find() in place of $.children().

The easiest way would be to search for .myClass as a child of #myElement:

if($('#myElement .myClass')).length > 0)

If you only want first level children, you'd use >

if($('#myElement > .myClass')).length > 0)

Another way would be passing a selector to find and checking for any results:

if($('#myElement').find('.myClass').length > 0)

Or for first level children only:

if($('#myElement').children('.myClass').length > 0)

if($.contains($('#myElement'), $('.myClass'))){