How do I fill the corner of an irregular shape in TikZ?

You could use path picture:



\draw[bend right=10]
  [path picture={\fill[blue!60](U)circle[radius=6mm];}]
  (0,0)coordinate(U)to (40:2)coordinate(R)to++(-30:2)coordinate(T)to cycle;

\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={random steps,segment length=5pt,amplitude=2pt}]
  [path picture={\fill[blue!60](U)circle[radius=6mm];}]
  (0,0)coordinate(U)to (40:2)coordinate(R)to++(-30:2)coordinate(T)to cycle;

enter image description here

You could also use draw and clip on \path and clip a circle that has its center at U, like:



 \path[draw,clip,bend right=10] (0,0) coordinate (U) to (40:2) coordinate (R) to ++(-30:2) coordinate (T) to cycle;
 \fill[blue!60] (U) circle (6mm);


\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={random steps,segment length=5pt,amplitude=2pt}]
 \path[draw,clip,decorate] (0,0) coordinate (U) to (40:2) coordinate (R) to ++(-30:2) coordinate (T) to cycle;
 \fill[blue!60] (U) circle (6mm);


enter image description here


Tikz Pgf