Sharepoint - How do I disable "Get a Link" & "Share"

You'll miss out of the Share part of SharePoint, but sharing can be disabled.

On the site collection you want to restrict:

  • Click on the gear and select "Site Settings"
  • Click on "Site Permissions" under "User and Permissions"
  • In the ribbon, click "Access Request Settings"
  • Uncheck "Allow members to share the site and individual files and folders."
  • Uncheck "Allow access requests."

On the tenant, you may also want to restrict external sharing depending on your policies:

  • Go to the SharePoint Online tenant admin center
  • Click "Sharing"
  • Select "Don’t allow sharing outside your organization"

A few things to keep in mind:

  1. The direct link will only work if the user already has access to that site collection (or has permissions on the item or list level). Everyone else will get an access denied page.
  2. When collaborating on documents, using the direct link in email may cause more headaches if all of the collaborators are not correctly authorized beforehand. This may drive users to download the document locally (which they can do as long as they have read access) and email it as an attachment. This will increase the mailbox size from attachments and prevent documents from being tracked or secured by SharePoint.
  3. The Share button will still be shown even when sharing is disabled. When users click on the button, they may be presented with an error message or only the other users on the site collection.