How do I disable automatic DivX update popups on Mac OS X

Solution from official forum. It works in my case (Setting option to NEVER fails to work)

If the URL is dead then here is the transcript

  1. Unload the DivX auto-update and media server agents

    launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.update.agent.plist

    launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.dms.agent.plist

    launchctl list

    (com.divx.update.agent should not appear in the list)

  2. Remove supporting DivX files

    sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.update.agent.plist

    sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.dms.agent.plist

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/DivX/

    sudo rm $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.divx.*

--- EOM ---

Go to System Preferences > DivX and modify the "Check for Updates" setting to Never.

It seems the new way is to go to Applications->DivX (folder)->Preferences, run that and change the settings for auto-updating.


