How do I derive the type for this function:

It helps to do two things before everything else:

  1. put explicit parentheses so that x->y->z becomes x->(y->z)
  2. rename type variables so that there are no clashes

Wit this in mind let's rewrite the types

(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)
zip :: [x] -> ([y] -> [(x, y)])

Now match the types. The first argument to =<< is zip, so (a -> m b) is the same as [x] -> ([y] -> [(x, y)]).

a          ->        m b
[x]        ->        ([y] -> [(x, y)])

So a is [x] and m b is ([y] -> [(x, y)]). Rewriting -> in prefix notation, we get -> [y] [(x, y)], which is the same as (-> [y]) [(x, y)].

m             b
(-> [y])      [(x, y)]

So m is (-> [y]) (which is a monad indeed) and b is [(x, y)].

So now we know what is a, what is b and what is m. Let's rewrite (m a -> m b) in these terms:

(m            a)          ->          (m            b)
((-> [y])     [x])        ->          ((-> [y])     [(x, y)])

Rewriting in the infix style again, we get

([y] -> [x])              ->          ([y] -> [(x, y)])

which is, up to variable names, is the same answer GHC is giving you.

(zip =<<) is equivalent to (>>= zip), which makes it perhaps a bit more readable. Either way, zip occupies the (a -> m b) slot in those functions, as you've correctly observed.

One more intuitive transformation to make is thinking about the arity of =<<. It "takes" two parameters, so if we apply it to one, we should only be left with one more. Hence, the signature ([b] -> [a]) -> [b] -> [(a, b)] is an unary function!

(zip =<<) :: ([b] -> [a]) -> ([b] -> [(a, b)])
             ------------    -----------------
                 m a'                m b'

So what's m? The Monad instance exists for functions (r ->) (or, alternatively, (->) r). So in this case r :: [b] (and thus m :: ([b] ->)), a' :: [a] and b' :: [(a, b)].

Consequently, zip fits just as we asserted at the beginning:

a'  -> m b'                    -- substitute [(a,b)] for b'
a'  -> m [(a, b)]              -- substitute [a] for a'
[a] -> m [(a, b)]              -- substitute ([b] ->) for m
[a] -> ([b] -> [(a,b)])

[a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]