How do I delete/flush pm2 logs for only one app?

It was a bug in pm2.

I submitted an issue and they fixed it.

To solve it on your side, run these commands:

$ npm install pm2@latest -g
$ pm2 update

And it should work with the latest release.

pm2 logs are located in .pm2/logs/


Show logs

pm2 logs appName|appId --lines=100

Show Error logs

pm2 logs appName|appId --err --lines=100

Empty log for specific app

pm2 flush appName|appId        

Empty all log files

pm2 flush              

Reload all logs

pm2 reloadLogs         

You can flush log of specific app by mentioning name or id.

pm2 flush my_app_name // by name
pm2 flush my_app_id   // by id

