How do I create sequentially numbered file names in bash?

today=$( date +%Y%m%d )   # or: printf -v today '%(%Y%m%d)T' -1


while [ -e "$fname" ]; do
    printf -v fname '%s-%02d.txt' "$today" "$(( ++number ))"

printf 'Will use "%s" as filename\n' "$fname"
touch "$fname"

today gets today's date, and we initialise our counter, number, to zero and create the initial filename as the date with a .txt suffix.

Then we test to see if the filename already exists. If it does, increment the counter and create a new filename using printf. Repeat until we no longer have a filename collision.

The format string for the printf, %s-%02d.txt, means "a string followed by a literal dash followed by a zero-filled two-digit integer and the string .txt". The string and the integer is given as further arguments to printf.

The -v fname puts the output of printf into the variable fname.

The touch is just there for testing.

This will generate filenames like


etc. on subsequent runs.

You can use seq. It can create number sequences in variety of ways, however you need to know total number of files.

E.g: You can try seq -w 1 10. It will create the sequence from 01 to 10, then you can include it in a for loop:

for i in `seq -w 1 10`
  touch `date +%Y%m%d`-$i.txt

Addendum for your latest question update:

To accomplish what you want easily, you can create the first file with -0. On subsequent runs, you need to take the list of files, sort them, take the last one, cut it from last - and get the number, increment it and create the new file with that number.

Padding will need some more work though.

Something like...

DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
while [ -f $filename ]; do
    num=$(( $num + 1 ))
touch $filename

...should work. This creates filenames of the format DATE-1.txt, DATE-2.txt, DATE-3.txt, ..., DATE-10.txt, DATE-11.txt, etc. Changing that to DATE-01.txt etc is left as an exercise to the reader :)

Note that you should probably also make sure you don't call the script more than once concurrently, otherwise you'll have more than one script modifying things.

Side note: there is loads of software for managing multiple versions of a file. They're called "version control systems" (VCS), or "Source Control Management" (SCM). Git and subversion are pretty popular. I suggest you check them out, rather than reimplementing your own :-)