How do I create custom axes in Excel?

Lay out your data in the following format:

Category        Frequency
 85           3
 93           6 
 45           12
 43           20
 67           13
 89           5
 43           2

Start by inserting a new blank chat. Do not select any data. I would suggest using a column chart for this. Just go to Insert -> Chart -> Column -> 2D Column. It should be blank:

excel image

On the Design tab of the Chat Tools section of the Ribbon, click on Select Data. Under legend entries, click Add.

excel image

Select the Series Values box (not the "Series Name" box), and click+drag to select all of the data in the frequency column.

excel image

Click OK. Now, back in the Select Data dialog, click Edit on the "Horizontal Axis Labels".

edit axis labels

Click+drag to select the Category column:

edit titles

Now click OK on everything and set whatever other legend, title, and other settings you wish!