How do I configure Qt for cross-compilation from Linux to Windows target?

Another way to cross-compile software for Windows on Linux is the MinGW-w64 toolchain on Archlinux. It is easy to use and maintain, and it provides recent versions of the compiler and many libraries. I personally find it easier than MXE and it seems to adopt newer versions of libraries faster.

First, you will need an arch-based machine (virtual machine or docker container will suffice). It does not have to be Arch Linux, derivatives will do as well. I used Manjaro Linux. Most of the MinGW-w64 packages are not available at the official Arch repositories, but there is plenty in AUR. The default package manager for Arch (Pacman) does not support installation directly from AUR, so you will need to install and use an AUR wrapper like yay or yaourt. Then installing MinGW-w64 version of Qt5 and Boost libraries is as easy as:

yay -Sy mingw-w64-qt5-base mingw-w64-boost
#yaourt -Sy mingw-w64-qt5-base mingw-w64-qt5-boost #if you use yaourt

This will also install the MinGW-w64 toolchain (mingw-w64-gcc) and other dependencies. Cross-compiling a Qt project for windows (x64) is then as simple as:


To deploy your program you will need to copy corresponding dlls from /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/. For example, you will typically need to copy /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll to program.exe_dir/platforms/qwindows.dll.

To get a 32bit version you simply need to use i686-w64-mingw32-qmake-qt5 instead. Cmake-based projects work just as easily with x86_64-w64-mingw32-cmake. This approach worked extremely well for me, was the easiest to set-up, maintain, and extend. It also goes well with continuous integration services. There are docker images available too.

For example, let's say I want to build QNapi subtitle downloader GUI. I could do it in two steps:

  1. Start the docker container:
sudo docker run -it burningdaylight/mingw-arch:qt /bin/bash
  1. Clone and compile QNapi
git clone --recursive '' 
cd qnapi/ 

That's it! In many cases, it will be that easy. Adding your own libraries to the package repository (AUR) is also straightforward. You would need to write a PKBUILD file, which is as intuitive as it can get, see mingw-w64-rapidjson, for example.

(This is an update of @Tshepang's answer, as MXE has evolved since his answer)

Building Qt

Rather than using make qt to build Qt, you can use MXE_TARGETS to control your target machine and toolchain (32- or 64-bit). MXE started using .static and .shared as a part of the target name to show which type of lib you want to build.

# The following is the same as `make qt`, see explanation on default settings after the code block.
make qt MXE_TARGETS=i686-w64-mingw32.static   # MinGW-w64, 32-bit, static libs

# Other targets you can use:
make qt MXE_TARGETS=x86_64-w64-mingw32.static # MinGW-w64, 64-bit, static libs
make qt MXE_TARGETS=i686-w64-mingw32.shared   # MinGW-w64, 32-bit, shared libs

# You can even specify two targets, and they are built in one run:
# (And that's why it is MXE_TARGET**S**, not MXE_TARGET ;)
# MinGW-w64, both 32- and 64-bit, static libs
make qt MXE_TARGETS='i686-w64-mingw32.static x86_64-w64-mingw32.static'

In @Tshepang's original answer, he did not specify an MXE_TARGETS, and the default is used. At the time he wrote his answer, the default was i686-pc-mingw32, now it's i686-w64-mingw32.static. If you explicitly set MXE_TARGETS to i686-w64-mingw32, omitting .static, a warning is printed because this syntax is now deprecated. If you try to set the target to i686-pc-mingw32, it will show an error as MXE has removed support for (i.e. i686-pc-mingw32).

Running qmake

As we changed the MXE_TARGETS, the <mxe root>/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/qt/bin/qmake command will no longer work. Now, what you need to do is:

<mxe root>/usr/<TARGET>/qt/bin/qmake

If you didn't specify MXE_TARGETS, do this:

<mxe root>/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/qt/bin/qmake

Update: The new default is now i686-w64-mingw32.static

Just use M cross environment (MXE). It takes the pain out of the whole process:

  • Get it:

    $ git clone
  • Install build dependencies

  • Build Qt for Windows, its dependencies, and the cross-build tools; this will take about an hour on a fast machine with decent internet access; the download is about 500MB:

    $ cd mxe && make qt
  • Go to the directory of your app and add the cross-build tools to the PATH environment variable:

    $ export PATH=<mxe root>/usr/bin:$PATH
  • Run the Qt Makefile generator tool then build:

    $ <mxe root>/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/qt/bin/qmake && make
  • You should find the binary in the ./release directory:

    $ wine release/foo.exe

Some notes:

  • Use the master branch of the MXE repository; it appears to get a lot more love from the development team.

  • The output is a 32-bit static binary, which will work well on 64-bit Windows.

Ok I think I've got it figured out.

Based in part on and

It appears that "initially" when you run configure (with -xtarget, etc.), it configures then runs your "hosts" gcc to build the local binary file ./bin/qmake

 ./configure -xplatform win32-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_prefix_here -nomake examples ...

then you run normal "make" and it builds it for mingw

  make install


  1. yes

  2. only if you need to use something other than msvcrt.dll (its default). Though I have never used anything else so I don't know for certain.

  3. lists some configure params.