How do I check if a network is contained in another network in Python?

import ipaddress

def is_subnet_of(a, b):
   Returns boolean: is `a` a subnet of `b`?
   a = ipaddress.ip_network(a)
   b = ipaddress.ip_network(b)
   a_len = a.prefixlen
   b_len = b.prefixlen
   return a_len >= b_len and a.supernet(a_len - b_len) == b


is_subnet_of("", "")   # => True

Starting from Python 3.7.0 you can use the subnet_of() and supernet_of() methods of ipaddress.IPv6Network and ipaddress.IPv4Network for network containment tests:

>>> from ipaddress import ip_network
>>> a = ip_network('')
>>> b = ip_network('')
>>> b.subnet_of(a)
>>> a.supernet_of(b)

If you have a Python version prior to 3.7.0, you can just copy the method's code from the later version of the module.

Try netaddr as below-

Check if a network is in another

from netaddr import IPNetwork,IPAddress

if IPNetwork("") in IPNetwork(""):
    print "Yes it is!"

Check if an IP is in a network

from netaddr import IPNetwork,IPAddress

if IPAddress("") in IPNetwork(""):
    print "Yes it is!"