How do I check for valid Git branch names?

git check-ref-format <ref> with subprocess.Popen is a possibility:

import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["git", "check-ref-format", ref])
exit_status = process.wait()


  • if the algorithm ever changes, the check will update automatically
  • you are sure to get it right, which is way harder with a monster Regex


  • slower because subprocess. But premature optimization is the root of all evil.
  • requires Git as a binary dependency. But in the case of a hook it will always be there.

pygit2, which uses C bindings to libgit2, would be an even better possibility if check-ref-format is exposed there, as it would be faster than Popen, but I haven't found it.

Let's dissect the various rules and build regex parts from them:

  1. They can include slash / for hierarchical (directory) grouping, but no slash-separated component can begin with a dot . or end with the sequence .lock.

     # must not contain /.
     # must not end with .lock
  2. They must contain at least one /. This enforces the presence of a category like heads/, tags/ etc. but the actual names are not restricted. If the --allow-onelevel option is used, this rule is waived.

     .+/.+  # may get more precise later
  3. They cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere.

  4. They cannot have ASCII control characters (i.e. bytes whose values are lower than \040, or \177 DEL), space, tilde ~, caret ^, or colon : anywhere.

     [^\000-\037\177 ~^:]+   # pattern for allowed characters
  5. They cannot have question-mark ?, asterisk *, or open bracket [ anywhere. See the --refspec-pattern option below for an exception to this rule.

     [^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+   # new pattern for allowed characters
  6. They cannot begin or end with a slash / or contain multiple consecutive slashes (see the --normalize option below for an exception to this rule)

  7. They cannot end with a dot ..

  8. They cannot contain a sequence @{.

  9. They cannot contain a \.


Piecing it all together we arrive at the following monstrosity:

^(?!.*/\.)(?!.*\.\.)(?!/)(?!.*//)(?!.*@\{)(?!.*\\)[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+/[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+(?<!\.lock)(?<!/)(?<!\.)$

And if you want to exclude those that start with build- then just add another lookahead:

^(?!build-)(?!.*/\.)(?!.*\.\.)(?!/)(?!.*//)(?!.*@\{)(?!.*\\)[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+/[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+(?<!\.lock)(?<!/)(?<!\.)$

This can be optimized a bit as well by conflating a few things that look for common patterns:

^(?!@$|build-|/|.*([/.]\.|//|@\{|\\))[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+/[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+(?<!\.lock|[/.])$

For anyone coming to this question looking for the PCRE regular expression to match a valid Git branch name, it is the following:

^(?!/|.*([/.]\.|//|@\{|\\\\))[^\040\177 ~^:?*\[]+(?<!\.lock|[/.])$

This is an amended version of the regular expression written by Joey. In this version, however, an oblique is not required (it is for matching branchName rather than refs/heads/branchName).

Please refer to his correct answer to this question. He provides a full breakdown of each part of the regex, and how it relates to each requirement specified on the git-check-ref-format(1) manual pages.

There's no need to write monstrosities in Perl. Just use /x:

# RegExp rules based on git-check-ref-format
my $valid_ref_name = qr%
      # begins with
      /|                # (from #6)   cannot begin with /
      # contains
         [/.]\.|        # (from #1,3) cannot contain /. or ..
         //|            # (from #6)   cannot contain multiple consecutive slashes
         @\{|           # (from #8)   cannot contain a sequence @{
         \\             # (from #9)   cannot contain a \
                        # (from #2)   (waiving this rule; too strict)
   [^\040\177 ~^:?*[]+  # (from #4-5) valid character rules

   # ends with
   (?<!\.lock)          # (from #1)   cannot end with .lock
   (?<![/.])            # (from #6-7) cannot end with / or .

foreach my $branch (qw(
   'master blaster',
) {
   print "$branch --> ".($branch =~ $valid_ref_name)."\n";

Joey++ for some of the code, though I made some corrections.