How do I change my $PS1 on a Macbook for oh-my-zsh?

Changing your Theme:

To edit your prompt in oh-my-zsh you need to edit a PROMPT variable in your theme instead of PS1. In your .zshrc file you will find a line that looks something like this:


oh-my-zsh stores these themes in the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes folder. If you ls ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes you will see a list of themes that you can change. The above theme would be named themename.zsh-theme in this directory.

Customizing your Theme:

If you want a simple way to customize your oh-my-zsh theme you can copy a file already in this theme folder and edit that.

To change your prompt simply edit the PROMPT variable. For example:


This would make two >'s your prompt.

I like editing the already existing simple theme. the simple.zsh-theme file looks like this:

PROMPT='%{$fg[green]%}%~%{$fg_bold[blue]%}$(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%} '


Applying the Changes:

Now just change the theme in your in your .zshrc file:


And reload oh-my-zsh with:

. ~/.zshrc

For POWERLEVEL9K if you're using it


PS: Try POWERLEVEL10K, it's much better. trust me