How do go modules work with installable commands?

If you get an error

I was not seeing the dependency that I wanted added to the go.mod and I was getting this error:

internal/tools/tools.go:6:5: import "" is a program, not an importable package

(fileb0x is the thing I'm trying to add)

I'm not 100% clear on the sequence of events that fixed it, but I did all of these things:

Using a "tools" package

I made a tools directory:

mkdir -p internal/tools

I put the tools package inside of it (as mentioned above):


// +build tools

package tools

import (
    _ ""

Note that the tag is mostly not important. You could use foo:

// +build foo

However, you cannot use ignore. That's a special predefined tag.

// +build ignore

// `ignore` is a special keyword which (surprise) will cause
// the file to be ignore, even for dependencies

Updating go.mod

The best way is probably to run go mod tidy:

go mod tidy

However, before I did that I ran a number of commands trying to figure out which one would cause it to go into go.mod:

go install # didn't seem to do the trick
go get
go generate ./...
go build ./...
go install ./...
go mod vendor

Later I did a git reset and rm -rf ~/go/pkg/mod; mkdir ~/go/pkg/mod and found that go mod tidy did well enough on its own.


In order to actually take advantage of the modules cache in a project you need to copy-in the source code

go mod vendor

That will grab all dependencies from go.mod

You also need to change nearly all of your go commands to use -mod=vendor in any Makefiles, Dockerfiles or other scripts.

go fmt -mod=vendor ./... # has a bug slated to be fixed in go1.15
go generate -mod=vendor ./...
go build -mod=vendor ./...

That includes go build, go get, go install, and any go run called by go generate (and even the go generate itself)

//go:generate go run -mod=vendor b0x.toml
package main

// ... proved helpful for me, especially

when using build-only dependencies with modules the main point is version selection (not installing these!)

To avoid installing you can modify your //go:generate directive to something like:

//go:generate go run ARGS

There is also the best practices repo:

The convention is to add a file named "tools.go" that is guarded by a build constraint and imports all required tools:

// +build tools

package tools

import (
    _ ""

The tools are then installed as usual in one of

  • $GOBIN
  • $GOPATH/bin
  • $HOME/go/bin

You may also want to follow, which discusses future explicit support for tools.

