How did Lefschetz do mathematics without hands?

I just found this in Halmos's autobiography: "The natural hands were replaced by a neat-looking pair of wooden hands, covered by gloves. As prosthetic devices they were awkward, but they were good enough to hold a pen or a piece of chalk."

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Photograph by Paul Halmos showing the artificial hands of Solomon Lefschetz [source]

This quote [source] shows how Lefschetz overcame some limitations of his disability:

Surely his wife, nee Alice Berg Hayes, deserves much credit. She graduated with a master's degree in mathematics at Clark, with a thesis on "Reduction of Power Determinants". This was where she met Lefschetz, and she received her M.A. on the same day that he received his Ph.D.

Albert Tucker and Frederik Nebeker said in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography:

She helped him to overcome his handicap, encouraging him in his work and moderating his combative ebullience.

Lefschetz himself said:

of debts which I may never succeed in liquidating to the full...the first is my enormous debt to my wife Alice, my Clark companion. Without her constant and unfailing encouragement through 59 years, 56 as my wife, I would have long since ceased to operate.