How can you cancel a Code Review Request?

This can be accomplished by creating a query that includes the desired work item, then editing it from within the query.

  1. Create a new query, then specify criteria such as Created By (yourself) that will find the work item. ID doesn't work so well if the work item was already assigned out, as each reviewer has their own work item.
  2. Right-Click the work item you want to edit.
  3. Select edit from the context menu.

Steps 1-3:

Steps 1-3 in image form

  1. In the window that comes up, enter "State" for Field and "Closed" for Value: State: Closed
  2. Enter some notes about the manual change and then close the dialog with the "OK" button, and then don't forget to save your changes with this button:

enter image description here

I think The Right Thing to do in TFS-land is to Abandon the Code Review, since you can't delete it from TFS.

The previous answers have two means of doing that. Here's a third, from within Visual Studio, since that seemed like a convenient alternative.

  1. Open My Work in the Team Explorer window.

my work link in the Team Explorer interface

  1. Find the Code Reviews section of My Work.

my work section of Team Explorer

  1. Right-click the Code Review you want to Abandon.

  2. Select Open.

  3. In the Code Review UI, select Close Review for the reason Abandon

Code Review UI with Close Review highlighted

  1. Profit.

You can cancel a code review required by using excel

Please try this workaround: create a work query to get all that user’s Code Review Request work items which in Requested state, save this work item query and open this query in Excel, then edit them work items in Excel to change the state to Closed, then click Publish button to publish the updates to TFS Server.

See this URL

