How can one mock/stub python module like urllib

I am using Mock's patch decorator:

from mock import patch


def test_foo(self, urlopen_mock):
    urlopen_mock.return_value = MyUrlOpenMock()

Did you give Mox a look? It should do everything you need. Here is a simple interactive session illustrating the solution you need:

>>> import urllib
>>> # check that it works
>>> urllib.urlopen('')
<addinfourl at 3082723820L ...>
>>> # check what happens when it doesn't
>>> urllib.urlopen('')
#-- snip --
IOError: [Errno socket error] (-2, 'Name or service not known')

>>> # OK, let's mock it up
>>> import mox
>>> m = mox.Mox()
>>> m.StubOutWithMock(urllib, 'urlopen')
>>> # We can be verbose if we want to :)
>>> urllib.urlopen(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndRaise(
...   IOError('socket error', (-2, 'Name or service not known')))

>>> # Let's check if it works
>>> m.ReplayAll()
>>> urllib.urlopen('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/", line 568, in __call__
    raise expected_method._exception
IOError: [Errno socket error] (-2, 'Name or service not known')

>>> # yay! now unset everything
>>> m.UnsetStubs()
>>> m.VerifyAll()
>>> # and check that it still works
>>> urllib.urlopen('')
<addinfourl at 3076773548L ...>

Another simple approach is to have your test override urllib's urlopen() function. For example, if your module has

import urllib

def some_function_that_uses_urllib():

You could define your test like this:

import mymodule

def dummy_urlopen(url):

mymodule.urllib.urlopen = dummy_urlopen

Then, when your tests invoke functions in mymodule, dummy_urlopen() will be called instead of the real urlopen(). Dynamic languages like Python make it super easy to stub out methods and classes for testing.

See my blog posts at for more information about stubbing out dependencies for tests.

HTTPretty works in the exact same way that FakeWeb does. HTTPretty works in the socket layer, so it should work intercepting any python http client libraries. It's battle tested against urllib2, httplib2 and requests

import urllib2
from httpretty import HTTPretty, httprettified

def test_one():
    HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "",
                           body="Find the best daily deals")

    fd = urllib2.urlopen('')
    got =

    assert got == "Find the best daily deals"