How can I use the Windows (Super) key?

Windows key tab is useful for compiz fusion toggling of windows. It's also a great key to assign to your own custom shortcuts due to it's general lack of use in the linux world.

If you want to use it like in windows, to trigger the menu, go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Scroll down to and click on 'Show the panel's main menu'. Click on the right hand cell, which should change to 'New shortcut...' and press the Windows key.

EDIT: turns out this doesn't work but you can make it work by pressing Alt+F2 then entering

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu --type string "Super_L"

You can bind it to other things as well. You can use it as part of a key combination in for another shortcut or for an action in compiz. For example, I have my Windows key bound to the Initiate Window Resize action (because this is easier than trying to grab the sides of the window) which can be found in Compiz Config Settings Manager under Window Management -> Resize Window.

alt text

I found a very simple way to add some useful key combinations in this question:

  1. Go to SystemPreferencesKeyboard Shortcuts.

  2. Scroll through the list to find any action you want to assign to a keyboard shortcut.
    Example: Home Folder

  3. Click in the right-hand column and then enter your desired key combo.

    Example: Super + E

  4. Test your new combo.

  5. Done!

Note: I've realized after writing this answer that dv3500ea wrote a similar answer which he claims doesn't work and added a part about compiz that I don't quite "get". But the simple approach works for me. I've upvoted his answer.