How can I use the Extended Choice Parameter plugin in a Jenkins pipeline script?

Here is my workaround for this pb:

ie : manually instanciate the parameter by declaring all the args

I was able to add a multi checklist parameter to my pipeline with that.

Since April's 2nd, 2019 it's now possible because of this commit:

You can use it like this for instance:

            name: 'PROJECT', 
            defaultValue: '', 
            description: 'Sélectionnez le projet à construire.', 
            type: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT', 
            groovyScript: valueKeysScript,
            descriptionGroovyScript: valueNamesScript

If you want to know every possible parameter you have to refer to the source code. If you want to know every possible value for the "type" key, have a look at the PT_* constants.