How can I use random numbers in groovy?

There is no such method as java.util.Random.getRandomDigits.

To get a random number use nextInt:

return random.nextInt(10 ** num)

Also you should create the random object once when your application starts:

Random random = new Random()

You should not create a new random object every time you want a new random number. Doing this destroys the randomness.

Generate pseudo random numbers between 1 and an [UPPER_LIMIT]

You can use the following to generate a number between 1 and an upper limit.

Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % [UPPER_LIMIT]) + 1

Here is a specific example:

Example - Generate pseudo random numbers in the range 1 to 600:

Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 600) + 1

This will generate a random number within a range for you. In this case 1-600. You can change the value 600 to anything you need in the range of integers.

Generate pseudo random numbers between a [LOWER_LIMIT] and an [UPPER_LIMIT]

If you want to use a lower bound that is not equal to 1 then you can use the following formula.

Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % ([UPPER_LIMIT] - [LOWER_LIMIT])) + [LOWER_LIMIT]

Here is a specific example:

Example - Generate pseudo random numbers in the range of 40 to 99:

Math.abs( new Random().nextInt() % (99 - 40) ) + 40

This will generate a random number within a range of 40 and 99.

Generally, I find RandomUtils (from Apache commons lang) an easier way to generate random numbers than java.util.Random

With Apache's RandomUtils you don't have to worry about storing the Random object for subsequent calls.


