How can I use jasmine.js to test for console output?

There are a couple of things that are wrong with your code above. As pointed out, having multiple return statement will not work. Also, when defining a new object, it is preferable to use the object literal syntax over using new Object.

What you would normally do is something more like this:

var function_to_test = function () {
  var person = {
    name : "Nicholas",
    age : 29

  return person;

Using the function above, there are a couple of ways you could test this. One it to mock out the console.log object using Jasmine Spies.

it("should test for the function_to_test's console output", function () {
    console.log = jasmine.createSpy("log");
    var person = function_to_test();

The other is to test the actual output of the function.

it("should return a person", function () {
    var person = function_to_test();
    expect(person).toEqual({ name : "Nicholas", age : 29 });

I know this is an old question (7+ years old) but I just came upon this answer today through Google search. From this answer, I changed it to the following and has worked for me.

spyOn(console, 'error');
const dto = new DTO();  // add to console.error if no parameter is given