How can I stop ansible from writing passwords to the logfiles?

Solution 1:

To prevent a task with confidential information from being logged, in syslog or other, set no_log: true on the task:

- name: secret stuff
  command: "echo {{secret_root_password}} | sudo su -"
  no_log: true

The running of the task will still be logged, but with little details. Also, the module used has to support no_log, so test custom modules.

See Ansible FAQ for further details. It can be applied to an entire playbook, however the output gets a little nasty with "censored!" messages.

Solution 2:

The observed behaviour seems to be a bug in the debconf module. I filed a bug report.

The user bcoca at github pointed out that one can use the no_log: true directive in tasks, that set passwords, to prevent logging. This is a workaround, that works for me until the bug is fixed.

Solution 3:

There is a better way than just no_log: True

- name: write in string variables login and password
    temp_user: "{{ USER_VAR }}"
    temp_pass: "{{ PASSWORD_VAR }}"

- name: Your operation with password in output
  shell: '/opt/'
  ignore_errors: True
  no_log: True
  register: myregister

- debug:
    msg: '{{ myregister.stderr | regex_replace(temp_user) | regex_replace(temp_pass) }}'
  when: myregister.stderr != ""

- debug:
    msg: '{{ myregister.stdout | regex_replace(temp_user) | regex_replace(temp_pass) }}'
  when: myregister.stdout != ""

- fail:
    msg: "error shell /opt/"
  when: myregister.stderr != ""

As you can see, you need to add:

ignore_errors: true
no_log: true

And then make the output of the result of the command with regex_replace, where:

USER_VAR - login variable

PASSWORD_VAR - password variable

With this approach, you will not only hide the passwords and logins, but also get the output of your operation

Solution 4:

As per Ansible docs:


If present and configured in ansible.cfg, Ansible will log information about executions at the designated location. Be sure the user running Ansible has permissions on the logfile:


This behavior is not on by default. Note that ansible will, without this setting, record module arguments called to the syslog of managed machines. Password arguments are excluded.

Sounds like setting log_path on your control node will result in not having logs on destination nodes.

Solution 5:

I solved by upgrading Ansible version to 1.6.1

sudo pip install ansible==1.6.1