How can I speed up the binary GCD algorithm using __builtin_ctz?

Here's my iterative implementation from the comments:

While tail-recursive algorithms are often elegant, iterative implementations are almost always faster in practice. (Modern compilers can actually perform this transform in very simple cases.)

unsigned ugcd (unsigned u, unsigned v)
    unsigned t = u | v;

    if (u == 0 || v == 0)
        return t; /* return (v) or (u), resp. */

    int g = __builtin_ctz(t);

    while (u != 0)
        u >>= __builtin_ctz(u);
        v >>= __builtin_ctz(v);

        if (u >= v)
            u = (u - v) / 2;
            v = (v - u) / 2;

    return (v << g); /* scale by common factor. */

As mentioned, the |u - v| / 2 step is typically implemented as a very efficient, unconditional right shift, e.g., shr r32, to divide by (2) - as both (u), (v) are odd, and therefore |u - v| must be even.

It's not strictly necessary, as the 'oddifying' step: u >>= __builtin_clz(u); will effectively perform this operation in the next iteration.

Supposing that (u) or (v) have a 'random' bit distribution, the probability of (n) trailing zeroes, via tzcnt, is ~ (1/(2^n)). This instruction is an improvement over bsf, the implementation for __builtin_clz prior to Haswell, IIRC.

Thanks to helpful commentators, I have found the crucial mistake: I should have used min instead of max

This is the final solution:

#include <algorithm>

constexpr unsigned gcd(unsigned u, unsigned v)
    if (u == v || u == 0 || v == 0)
        return u | v;

    // effectively compute min(ctz(u), ctz(v))
    unsigned shift = __builtin_ctz(u | v);
    u >>= __builtin_ctz(u);
    v >>= __builtin_ctz(v);

    const auto &[min, max] = std::minmax(u, v);

    return gcd(max - min, min) << shift;

int main() {
    constexpr unsigned g = gcd(25, 15); // g = 5
    return g;

This solution also has very nice, nearly branch-free compile output.

Here are some benchmark results of all the answers so far (we actually beat std::gcd): benchmark