How can I sort two vectors in the same way, with criteria that uses only one of the vectors?

Finding a sort permutation

Given a std::vector<T> and a comparison for T's, we want to be able to find the permutation you would use if you were to sort the vector using this comparison.

template <typename T, typename Compare>
std::vector<std::size_t> sort_permutation(
    const std::vector<T>& vec,
    Compare& compare)
    std::vector<std::size_t> p(vec.size());
    std::iota(p.begin(), p.end(), 0);
    std::sort(p.begin(), p.end(),
        [&](std::size_t i, std::size_t j){ return compare(vec[i], vec[j]); });
    return p;

Applying a sort permutation

Given a std::vector<T> and a permutation, we want to be able to build a new std::vector<T> that is reordered according to the permutation.

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> apply_permutation(
    const std::vector<T>& vec,
    const std::vector<std::size_t>& p)
    std::vector<T> sorted_vec(vec.size());
    std::transform(p.begin(), p.end(), sorted_vec.begin(),
        [&](std::size_t i){ return vec[i]; });
    return sorted_vec;

You could of course modify apply_permutation to mutate the vector you give it rather than returning a new sorted copy. This approach is still linear time complexity and uses one bit per item in your vector. Theoretically, it's still linear space complexity; but, in practice, when sizeof(T) is large the reduction in memory usage can be dramatic. (See details)

template <typename T>
void apply_permutation_in_place(
    std::vector<T>& vec,
    const std::vector<std::size_t>& p)
    std::vector<bool> done(vec.size());
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
        if (done[i])
        done[i] = true;
        std::size_t prev_j = i;
        std::size_t j = p[i];
        while (i != j)
            std::swap(vec[prev_j], vec[j]);
            done[j] = true;
            prev_j = j;
            j = p[j];


vector<MyObject> vectorA;
vector<int> vectorB;

auto p = sort_permutation(vectorA,
    [](T const& a, T const& b){ /*some comparison*/ });

vectorA = apply_permutation(vectorA, p);
vectorB = apply_permutation(vectorB, p);


  • std::vector
  • std::iota
  • std::sort
  • std::swap
  • std::transform

With range-v3, it is simple, sort a zip view:

std::vector<MyObject> vectorA = /*..*/;
std::vector<int> vectorB = /*..*/;

ranges::v3::sort(ranges::view::zip(vectorA, vectorB));

or explicitly use projection:

ranges::v3::sort(ranges::view::zip(vectorA, vectorB),
                 [](const auto& t) -> decltype(auto) { return std::get<0>(t); });


I would like to contribute with a extension I came up with. The goal is to be able to sort multiple vectors at the same time using a simple syntax.

sortVectorsAscending(criteriaVec, vec1, vec2, ...)

The algorithm is the same as the one Timothy proposed but using variadic templates, so we can sort multiple vectors of arbitrary types at the same time.

Here's the code snippet:

template <typename T, typename Compare>
void getSortPermutation(
    std::vector<unsigned>& out,
    const std::vector<T>& v,
    Compare compare = std::less<T>())
    std::iota(out.begin(), out.end(), 0);

    std::sort(out.begin(), out.end(),
        [&](unsigned i, unsigned j){ return compare(v[i], v[j]); });

template <typename T>
void applyPermutation(
    const std::vector<unsigned>& order,
    std::vector<T>& t)
    assert(order.size() == t.size());
    std::vector<T> st(t.size());
    for(unsigned i=0; i<t.size(); i++)
        st[i] = t[order[i]];
    t = st;

template <typename T, typename... S>
void applyPermutation(
    const std::vector<unsigned>& order,
    std::vector<T>& t,
    std::vector<S>&... s)
    applyPermutation(order, t);
    applyPermutation(order, s...);

template<typename T, typename Compare, typename... SS>
void sortVectors(
    const std::vector<T>& t,
    Compare comp,
    std::vector<SS>&... ss)
    std::vector<unsigned> order;
    getSortPermutation(order, t, comp);
    applyPermutation(order, ss...);

// make less verbose for the usual ascending order
template<typename T, typename... SS>
void sortVectorsAscending(
    const std::vector<T>& t,
    std::vector<SS>&... ss)
    sortVectors(t, std::less<T>(), ss...);

Test it in Ideone.

I explain this a little bit better in this blog post.


