how can I set visible back to true in jquery

Using ASP.NET's visible="false" property will set the visibility attribute where as I think when you call show() in jQuery it modifies the display attribute of the CSS style.

So doing the latter won't rectify the former.

You need to do this:

$("#test1").attr("visibility", "visible");

Depends, if i remember correctly i think won't render the html object out when you set visible to false.

If you want to be able to control it from the client side, then you better just include the css value to set it invisible rather than using visible =false.

Depends on how you hid it.

If you used the CSS visibility value then

$('#test1').css('visibility', 'visible');

If you used CSS `display'

$('#test1').css('display', 'block'); //or inline or any of the other combos

You might even have made it opacity = 0

$('#test1').css('opacity', '1');

