How can I set an image tint in SwiftUI?

The above answer is probably the best one although this would work too:

let uiImage = UIImage(systemName: "cart")!.withTintColor(.blue)
let image = Image(uiImage: uiImage)

Then you can use the constant named image with SwiftUI.

🛑 This recipe shows how to tint SwiftUI images in two ways - by setting the template tint or color multiply. The result looks like this:

enter image description here

🛑 Let's start by saying that foreground color has no effect here. With that out of the way, the recipe depends on what you want to do with the image since I've seen tint being used in more than one context:

For photos and logos with multi-color images, use color multiply Half of the time, "tinting an image" means the following:

enter image description here

This is achieved by using the color multiple modifier on the Image:


For monochrome images, use rendering mode

🛑 If you have a monochrome image or one where all that matters is the outline, use rendering mode with the template, then apply `foreground color. This will set the color to all non-transparent pixels in the image:


With the following effect:

enter image description here

👉 Using color multiple with monochrome images usually leads to undesired results, like the entire image is black.

Done ;)

This worked for me,


On new swiftUI for set tint use:


Depending on the source image you may also need an additional rendering mode modifier:

// or

And you can read this topic.

