How can I set a UITableViewCell's accessory color?

Actually the correct answer (despite it being so late) is to set your cell tintColor property to a white UIColor object, like so:

UITableViewCell *cell = [UITableViewCell new]; // or other instantiation...
[cell setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

Subclassing the accessory view entirely is also possible, but the question is asking to make the cell accessory button white, so this should be the correct answer (at least for iOS7).

Note: Corrected property name, also note that it doesn't actually work for the indicator accessory type

Your best bet is to make an image that you want to put in there and then setting the accessory view to be that image. Here’s Apple's Official Documentation for UITableViewCells.

Setting tint color for table view solves it for me.


