How can I run `watch` as a background job?

The purpose of watch is to show the results of a command full-screen and update continuously; if you're redirecting the output into a file and backgrounding it there's really no reason to use watch in the first place.

If you want to just run a command over and over again with a delay (watch waits two seconds by default), you can use something like this:

while true; do
    cmd >> output.txt
    sleep 2

Update, thanks to @SDK:

watch -n 1 'date | tee -a output.txt' &>/dev/null &

tee is incredibly useful and will push the output to the file specified.

Previous Answer:

Here's a way:

watch -n 1 'date' &>/dev/null &

Since you background the process, we can assume you don't need the terminal display and you are fine redirecting to a file. If you do that you will be able to background watch without issue.

sleep, as suggested by Michael Mrozek, will slowly lag which can be undesirable. Aside from a convoluted shell script that monitors system time and executes a command based upon elapsed time, watch -p can be a good option for precise timings.

For precise timings:

watch -n 1 -p 'date' &>/dev/null &

I'm not sure about your motivations, but maybe this would be enough?

while true; do sleep 2; cmd >>output.txt; done &

Otherwise, please explain why you really need watch.