How can I run gulp with a typescript file

In case anyone else runs into this, @tony19's answer above will only work for some projects ;-)

import * as gulp from 'gulp'; won't always work (it depends on your tsconfig.json settings- specifically allowSyntheticDefaultImports), the "safer" thing to use is import gulp from 'gulp'; which should work regardless of the allowSyntheticDefaultImports value.

From Gulp docs for transpilation:


You can write a gulpfile using a language that requires transpilation, like TypeScript or Babel, by changing the extension on your gulpfile.js to indicate the language and install the matching transpiler module.

  • For TypeScript, rename to gulpfile.ts and install the ts-node module.
  • For Babel, rename to gulpfile.babel.js and install the @babel/register module.

So the simpler way to add TypeScript support in Gulp:

  1. Install ts-node, typescript, and @types/gulp:

    $ npm i -D ts-node typescript @types/gulp
  2. If you have a tsconfig.json file set ts-node.compilerOptions.module to "commonjs"

        // these options are overrides used only by ts-node 
        "ts-node": {
            "compilerOptions": {
                "module": "commonjs" 

    (You don't need a tsconfig.json file, this is just for if you have one in your project already)

  3. Create gulpfile.ts with the following demo code:

    import gulp from 'gulp'; // or import * as gulp from 'gulp'
    gulp.task('default', () => console.log('default'));

    (or rename your existing Gulpfile.js to gulpfile.ts)

  4. Start the build:

    $ npx gulp

The output should look similar to this:

$ gulp
[21:55:03] Requiring external module ts-node/register
[21:55:03] Using gulpfile ~/src/tmp/typescript-tmp/gulpfile.ts
[21:55:03] Starting 'default'...
[21:55:03] Finished 'default' after 122 μs

Set up a gulp.js file in the root of your project with nothing but the following line.


Then create another actual gulp file written in typescript in a file gulp.ts. What will happen is that the gulp.js file will be loaded but will bootstrap the process by compiling your `gulp.ts' file and passing the transpiled results instead.

This allows us to not have to precompile the gulp.ts file before using it. Instead you can just type gulp test and it will be executed from your tyepscript file without any extra calls.

  • Make sure to run the following first:
    npm install typescript --save-dev
    npm install fs --save-dev