How can I nicely align a single split equation?

Two options: one using a multline environment and the other one using flalign (notice the use of \raisetag in the latter):

\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in,left=1.0in, right=1.0in}

  \text{\oalign{$#2$\cr\color{#1}\leaders\hrule height 0.80pt\hfil\cr}}}

R_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} = \bar{R}_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu}\\

R_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} &= \bar{R}_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} &\nonumber \\
-\tfrac{1}{2}\partial_{\rho}\bar{\Gamma}^{\tau}_{\sigma\nu}h_{\mu\tau}\nonumber & \\


enter image description here

The showframe option for geometry only draws a frame as a visual guide.

here's the adjusted example from the original question, as requested.

unfortunately, with the setup i'm using, there's an option clash with the color package, resulting in output without the desired colors.



\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in,
          left=1.0in, right=1.0in}


\text{\oalign{$#2$\cr\color{#1}\leaders\hrule height 0.80pt\hfil\cr}}}




\noindent Here is some text to establish the left margin.
&= \bar{R}_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu}\\


output of example code

sorry about the size; this didn't scale well.

Here are two suggestions:

Sample output



\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in,
          left=1.0in, right=1.0in}


\text{\oalign{$#2$\cr\color{#1}\leaders\hrule height 0.80pt\hfil\cr}}}




Either you can squeeze the binary operators
R_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} &= \bar{R}_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu}\\
Or you can name a subexpression
      R_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} &= \bar{R}_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} +
      S_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu} - S_{\sigma\mu\nu\rho},\\
        \text{where}\quad S_{\sigma\mu\rho\nu}=&
This assumes \( h_{ab} \) is symmetric.
