How can I make .querySelectorAll() or .forEach() work in Firefox?

document.querySelectorAll returns a NodeList which is indexed like an array, but not an Array so you can't call the array methods on it.

You can use Array.from(nodeList) in ES6 or for ES5

 Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('selector')).forEach(el => el)

I've just tested document.querySelectorAll('.element') with .forEach in Firefox 71, and it worked.

CanIUse shows that it's been supported in FF, since version 50 (late 2016):

Older versions of FF have a 0.25% marketshare, so .forEach should be safe to use.

You can also use a polyfill (see

if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
    NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
        thisArg = thisArg || window;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
  , this[i], i, this);

This adds the forEach method to the NodeList, if it is missing.