How can I make MySQL client read password from mylogin.cnf?

use following command to set login path first

mysql_config_editor set --login-path=lgpath --user=root -p

and then use below command to login mysql

mysql --login-path=lgpath

Help about mysql login path options can bee seen by

mysql_config_editor set --help

I had the same issue as OP, but the answers in this thread confused me. Vinay Mandala's link actually worked for me. Reposted here for clarity.

My issue:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user '<user>'@'<host>' (using password: NO)

It proves that mysql_config_editor does not handle special characters in the password properly.


When mysql_config_editor prompts you for the password, make sure that you surround the password in double quotes ("). Afterwards, you can login just fine.