How can I make an virtual scroll with angularJS?

Giving a full answer with code might require a bit too much of an effort
This library implements virtual scroll on ng-repeat in the description there's also an article on how to implement this feature on your own.

The basic concept is to make two divs, one above and one below the list, which size is determined by the number of elements inside the list (this approach has a limitation since list elements must either have all the same height or their height must be fixed), then you delete elements as they disappear from the viewport and resize the divs according to the number of elements not currently rendered and your position on the list

Not a direct answer to your question, but an alternative: You may want to look at the ui-scroll directive which is a replacement for ng-repeat and has a similar function.

Example in your controller

$scope.movieDataSource = {

    get : function (index, count, callback) {
        var i, items = [$scope.userMovies], item;

            var min = 1;
            var max = 1000;

        for (i=index ; i<index + count ; i++) {
                if(i < min || i > max) {
            item = {
                title: $scope.userMovies.title,
                imageURL: $scope.userMovies.poster_path
            items.push (item);
        callback (items);

And in your view:

<div ui-scroll="item in movieDataSource">