How can I list all tech note pages?

The old documentation center used to have index pages for things like tech notes, but that seems to be absent in version 12.1. But until they reappear...

"Tech note" in 12.1 is not so much a first-class concept as it is a qualifier applied to tutorials. Tutorial types are identified by a certain style of Cell in the notebook that holds each documentation page, PacletNameCell.

We can use this observation to determine the type of any particular tutorial notebook:

tutorialType[nb_] :=
  First[Import[nb, {"Cells", "PacletNameCell"}], {None}][[1]]

The tutorial documentation folder in the Mathematica installation contains all of the tutorial notebooks (including tech notes):

$tutorialNotebooks =
  {$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", $Language, "System", "Tutorials"} //
  FileNameJoin //
  FileNames["*.nb", #]&;

We can bring this all together by grouping the tutorials by type, creating documentation hyperlinks for each and displaying the results in a Dataset:

$tutorialNotebooks //
Map[<| "Title" -> Hyperlink[#, "paclet:tutorial/"~~#]&@FileBaseName[#]
     , "Type" -> tutorialType[#]
     |>&] //
GroupBy[Key["Type"] -> KeyDrop["Type"]] //
KeySort //

Dataset screenshot

We can use the Dataset functionality to drill down into the TECH NOTE type and click on the hyperlinks to open the corresponding documentation pages:

Drill-down screenshot

This is not very scientific, but here is one option. Converting this to an idiomatic Wolfram Language solution is left as an exercise to the reader :).

cd /Applications/Wolfram\
grep "TECH NOTE" *.nb | cut -f 1 -d :

A little experimentation shows that just typing the filename, such as MountingACDOrDVDOnLinux, in the search box will yield the tech note in the first few results.

Update. All right, all right! Let's capture these filenames and convert them for easier reading

  FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English", 
    "System", "Tutorials"}]];
filenames = 
  FileBaseName@First@StringSplit[#, ":"] & /@ 
    RunProcess[{"sh", "-c", "/usr/bin/grep \"TECH NOTE\" *"}][
     "StandardOutput"], "\n"];
link[s_] := <|"Tech Note" -> Hyperlink[
      s, (x : _ ~~ y : RegularExpression["[A-Z]"]) :> (x <> " " <> y)],
     "paclet:tutorial/" <> s]|>;
technotes = Dataset[link /@ filenames];

and create an interactive interface to search for specific tech notes (in their filename). Each link is clickable and opens the corresponding documentation page!

  Select[StringContainsQ[First@#["Tech Note"], search, 
     IgnoreCase -> True] &]],
 {search, ""}]

enter image description here

The same idea for guide pages

guideNotebooks = {$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", $Language, 
 "System", "Guides"} // FileNameJoin // FileNames["*.nb", #] &;

guideLinks = guideNotebooks // 
  Map[<|"Guide Pages" -> Hyperlink[#, "paclet:guide/" ~~ #] & @
    FileBaseName[#]|> &] // Sort // Dataset

(* Searchable *)
  guideLinks[Select[StringContainsQ[First@#["Guide Pages"], search, IgnoreCase -> True] &]],
  {search, ""}]