How can I link to a Markdown section of my Bitbucket README?

Anchor links work on my Bitbucket server but don't work in VS Code unfortunately.


## Code and Syntax highlighting  <a name="section"></a>

One peculiarity of Bitbucket's Markdown "flavour" is the way it names heading identifiers. If you inspect the HTML source of your Bitbucket README page (by default accessible at<username>/<reponame>), you'll see that the Markdown section

## 1. Git To Work - Wording with git

translates to the following HTML heading element:

<h2 id="markdown-header-1-git-to-work-working-with-git">1. Git To Work - Working with git</h2>

Note that Bitbucket uses, as the value of the id attribute, a URL-friendly version of your heading, prefixed by markdown-header-. Therefore, you can create a link to the corresponding section, in your Markdown code, using

[Link to Git](#markdown-header-1-git-to-work-working-with-git)