How can I iterate over a packed variadic template argument list?

If your inputs are all of the same type, see OMGtechy's great answer.

For mixed-types we can use fold expressions (introduced in c++17) with a callable (in this case, a lambda):

#include <iostream>

template <class ... Ts>
void Foo (Ts && ... inputs)
    int i = 0;

        // Do things in your "loop" lambda

        std::cout << "input " << i << " = " << inputs << std::endl;

    } (), ...);

int main ()
    Foo(2, 3, 4u, (int64_t) 9, 'a', 2.3);

Live demo

(Thanks to glades for pointing out in the comments that I didn't need to explicitly pass inputs to the lambda. This made it a lot neater.)

If you need return/breaks in your loop, here are some workarounds:

  • Demo using try/throw. Note that throws can cause tremendous slow down of this function; so only use this option if speed isn't important, or the break/returns are genuinely exceptional.
  • Demo using variable/if switches.

These latter answers are honestly a code smell, but shows it's general-purpose.

If you want to wrap arguments to any, you can use the following setup. I also made the any class a bit more usable, although it isn't technically an any class.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

struct any {
  enum type {Int, Float, String};
  any(int   e) { m_data.INT    = e; m_type = Int;}
  any(float e) { m_data.FLOAT  = e; m_type = Float;}
  any(char* e) { m_data.STRING = e; m_type = String;}
  type get_type() const { return m_type; }
  int get_int() const { return m_data.INT; }
  float get_float() const { return m_data.FLOAT; }
  char* get_string() const { return m_data.STRING; }
  type m_type;
  union {
    int   INT;
    float FLOAT;
    char *STRING;
  } m_data;

template <class ...Args>
void foo_imp(const Args&... args)
    std::vector<any> vec = {args...};
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
        switch (vec[i].get_type()) {
            case any::Int: std::cout << vec[i].get_int() << '\n'; break;
            case any::Float: std::cout << vec[i].get_float() << '\n'; break;
            case any::String: std::cout << vec[i].get_string() << '\n'; break;

template <class ...Args>
void foo(Args... args)
    foo_imp(any(args)...);  //pass each arg to any constructor, and call foo_imp with resulting any objects

int main()
    char s[] = "Hello";
    foo(1, 3.4f, s);

It is however possible to write functions to access the nth argument in a variadic template function and to apply a function to each argument, which might be a better way of doing whatever you want to achieve.

You can create a container of it by initializing it with your parameter pack between {}. As long as the type of params... is homogeneous or at least convertable to the element type of your container, it will work. (tested with g++ 4.6.1)

#include <array>

template <class... Params>
void f(Params... params) {
    std::array<int, sizeof...(params)> list = {params...};

This is not how one would typically use Variadic templates, not at all.

Iterations over a variadic pack is not possible, as per the language rules, so you need to turn toward recursion.

class Stock
  bool isInt(size_t i) { return == Int; }
  int getInt(size_t i) { assert(isInt(i)); return; }

  // push (a)
  template <typename... Args>
  void push(int i, Args... args) {
    _indexes.push_back(std::make_pair(Int, _ints.size()));

  // push (b)
  template <typename... Args>
  void push(float f, Args... args) {
    _indexes.push_back(std::make_pair(Float, _floats.size()));

  // push (c)
  void push() {}

  enum Type { Int, Float; };
  typedef size_t Index;

  std::vector<std::pair<Type,Index>> _indexes;
  std::vector<int> _ints;
  std::vector<float> _floats;

Example (in action), suppose we have Stock stock;:

  • stock.push(1, 3.2f, 4, 5, 4.2f); is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
  • this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(3.2f, 4, 5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (b) as the first argument is a float
  • this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(4, 5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
  • this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
  • this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(4.2f);, which is resolved to (b) as the first argument is a float
  • this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push();, which is resolved to (c) as there is no argument, thus ending the recursion


  • Adding another type to handle is as simple as adding another overload, changing the first type (for example, std::string const&)
  • If a completely different type is passed (say Foo), then no overload can be selected, resulting in a compile-time error.

One caveat: Automatic conversion means a double would select overload (b) and a short would select overload (a). If this is not desired, then SFINAE need be introduced which makes the method slightly more complicated (well, their signatures at least), example:

template <typename T, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<is_int<T>::value>::type push(T i, Args... args);

Where is_int would be something like:

template <typename T> struct is_int { static bool constexpr value = false; };
template <> struct is_int<int> { static bool constexpr value = true; };

Another alternative, though, would be to consider a variant type. For example:

typedef boost::variant<int, float, std::string> Variant;

It exists already, with all utilities, it can be stored in a vector, copied, etc... and seems really much like what you need, even though it does not use Variadic Templates.