How can I install PDFedit on Ubuntu 14.04?

You can find the pdfedit for Linux at:

The current Ubuntu dropped support for the libqt3-mt library. Currently you can add it by editing your /etc/apt/sources.list and adding the lines:

# libqt3-mnt
deb lucid main

Then run:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libmng1 libqt3-mt

Now you can install the pdfeditor with (choose either 32b or 64bit):

Install pdfedit (32bit)

$ wget     
$ sudo dpkg -i pdfedit_0.4.5-2_i386.deb

64 bit version:

Download and install pdfedit

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i pdfedit_0.4.5-2_amd64.deb