How can I improve the look and feel of an Android app?

Some ideas:

  1. LayoutAnimations for your ListViews.
  2. Using TextSwitcher and ImageSwitcher instead of TextView and ImageView.
  3. Add animations to your views.
  4. Provide the correct resources for every device. You can use android-ui-utils.
  5. Use android-wheel for iphone like pickers.
  6. Provide some android patterns with GreenDroid.
  7. Use rounded corners for your ListViews.
  8. Check the third party libs available.
  9. Internacionalize your app using android2po or getlocalization.
  10. Use mapviewballoons for your android map.
  11. If you have some sort of tutorial, place it inside a SwipeView.

    PS:If you want your login to be secure, use naked-password for Android ;)

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