How can I highlight a single atom in MoleculePlot?

MoleculePlot[mol1, First @ AtomList[mol1,"O","AtomIndex"]]

enter image description here

MoleculePlot[mol1, Last @ AtomList[mol1,"O","AtomIndex"]]

enter image description here

Actually, there is no need to specify a MoleculePattern for what you want to do. If you read the documentation carefully you merely want to specify an Integer atom index (or a list of Integer atom indices) as the second argument to MoleculePlot, not a pattern. Here's an example:

mol1 = Molecule[
MoleculePlot[mol1, 1]

highlighting the atom index 1 in the MoleculePlot

MoleculePlot[mol1, {1, 3, 5}]

list of atom indices, highlights multiple atoms

