How can I highlight a moving bar in an animation of a bar chart?

dTagged =
    Style[#, Red] &,
    Rest @ d,
    Position[Differences @ d, _Integer?Positive]
  ] ~Prepend~ First[d];

  BarChart[#, ChartLabels -> Placed[Style[#, 15] & /@ #, Above]] & /@ 

Mathematica graphics

Modifying bsort to include style changes during Sowing:

bsort2[list_] :=  Module[{A = Style[#, GrayLevel[.6]] & /@ list, tmp}, 
 tmp = Reap[Do[If[First /@ (A[[j]] > A[[j + 1]]),
    Sow[ A /. (A[[j]] -> (A[[j]] /. GrayLevel[.6] -> Red))];
      {A[[ j + 1]], A[[j]]} = {A[[j]], A[[j + 1]]}],
   {i, Length@A}, {j, Length@A - i}]][[2, 1]]; Append[tmp, A]];
d2 = bsort2@RandomSample@Range[20];
opts = {ChartBaseStyle -> EdgeForm[White], BaseStyle -> (FontSize -> 14),
  AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> False, Axes -> False, PlotRangePadding -> 2};

Using ListAnimate:

 ListAnimate[BarChart[Labeled[#, #, Above] & /@ #, opts] & /@ d2]

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Using Clock:

Dynamic[BarChart[Labeled[#, #, Above] & /@ d2[[Clock[{1, Length[d2], 1}, 5, 1]]], opts]]

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