How can I handle error 404 in async/await fetch API

Just examine the status property of the resolved promise before you try to extract the body with the .json() method.

async function test() {
  const api_call = await fetch(``);


Regardless of using async/await or promise chaining, the fetch API returns a promise containing a Response object. The response object contains a status property which returns an HTTP status code. Before you call the .json() method on your response object you can check to see if res.status === 200. For example, the OpenWeather API will return a HTTP status code of 200 for successful requests. So, to check if your API request was successful, you could do the following ...

class App extends React.Component{
  getWeather = async (e) => {

    const city =;
    const country =;

    const api_call = await fetch(`${city},${country}&appid=${API_KEY}&units=metric`);

    if (api_call.status !== 200) {
        // You can do your error handling here
    } else {
        // Call the .json() method on your response to get your JSON data
        const data = await api_call.json();

You can see more of the Response object properties and methods By viewing the MDN documentation