How can I get Url Referrer in ASP.NET Core MVC?

As of core 2 use GetTypedHeaders

RequestHeaders header = request.GetTypedHeaders();
Uri uriReferer = header.Referer;

You're almost there. The StringValues class is just a type ASP.NET uses to efficiently represent strings in the framework. Especially in the HttpContext object. You can just call ToString() on it to convert it to a string:

string referer = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();

This works (tested in .NET Core 3.1):


Request is a property of both ControllerBase (and therefore Controller too) and HttpContext, so you can get it from either.

For example, to redirect to the referring page from a controller action, just do this:

public IActionResult SomeAction()
    return Redirect(Request.GetTypedHeaders().Referer.ToString());