How can I get the total number of rows in a CSV file with PHP?

Create a new file reference using SplFileObject:

$file = new SplFileObject('test.csv', 'r');

Try to seek to the highest Int PHP can handle:


Then actually it will seek to the highest line it could in the file, there is your last line and the last line + 1 is equals to your total lines:

echo $file->key() + 1;

Tricky, but this will avoid you from loading the file contents into memory, which is a very cool thing to do when dealing with really large files.

Here's another option using file() to read the entire file into an array, automatically parsing new lines etc:

$fp = file('test.csv');
echo count($fp);

Also, since PHP5, you can pass in the FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES... to skip empty lines, if you want to:

$fp = file('test.csv', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);





