How can I get my IDE to recognize listing labels?

I don't think this is supported. It would require an explicit feature of the program.

I can only offer an ugly workaround; the idea is to have another comment character besides %, so everything after ^^A is ignored as if it were after %, but TeXStudio will be fooled into thinking it's a a real label.


\AtBeginDocument{\catcode`\^^A=14 }

print("Hello world!")



enter image description here

I figured out a not-so-ugly workaround that I can live with. Here's a minimal working example:

\usepackage{listing} % A wrapper to assign labels in the "standard" way
\usepackage{caption} % Used for \captionsetup

    print("Hello world!")
    \captionsetup{skip=-2pt} % Narrow the space between caption and code
    \caption{Your caption here!}

See listing~\ref{lst:example-listing}.


My IDE (TeXstudio 2) now also suggests listing labels when inserting refs. The \captionsetupis used so that the caption text is approximately at the same position as lstlisting would place it.
