Apple - How can I get Automator to mount a network volume?

I build automator workflows like this all the time. You only need two actions, and they're both Files & Folders actions.

1) Get Specified Servers. This will let you build a list of shares to connect to. If you can map it from Finder -> Go -> Connect to server, you can use this.

2) Connect to Servers. This will connect to any servers passed to it (either from get specified servers or from ask for servers).

I use the following applescript to mount directories in conjunction with MarcoPolo so network shares are automatically mounted when I get to both my office and home.

You'll need to change USERNAME, PASSWORD, SERVER/SHARENAME and possibly smb:// depending on your server type.

tell application "Finder"
        mount volume "smb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER/SHARENAME"
        delay 1
    end try
end tell

UPDATE: An option without MarcoPolo: You can ping the server first and only try to connect if you get a response. You can then add this script into your Login Items

(Let's say you are trying to connect to a server named "some_server")

-- (0) Check to see if there server exists by pinging it
set max_retry to 60
set k to 0
repeat while (do shell script "ping -c 1 some_server") contains "100% packet loss"
    delay 5
    set k to k + 1
    if k > max_retry then error "Server is not responding for predefined period." number 8000
end repeat

-- (1) It exists, mount the volume
tell application "Finder"
        mount volume "smb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@some_server/SHARENAME"
        delay 1  --Optional, was added due to slow network issues
    end try
end tell