How can I get an event to fire every time localStorage is updated in Safari 5+?

I realize this is asking about Safari but, per the Mozilla Developer Network, the StorageEvent is only fired if the web storage object is changed from outside the page, e.g., in another tab.

Scroll down to "Responding to storage changes with the StorageEvent".

(I would have added this as a comment to the accepted answer but I don't have the rep for that.)

If you want to perform some action after the objects are saved in localstorage on the same page you can manually call the function after calling localStorage.setItem and call the same function from the storage eventlistener to handle multiple tabs.

After investigating further (and with the help from a friend) I discovered that the storage_handler method is called not when the value of a localstorage value changes on the page in my current window or tab, but when it changes in another tab.

For example, if I have the two tabs open, and have controls in the pages in each tab to change localstorage settings, then when I hit the control in the first tab, the storage_handler method is called in the other tab.