How can I get a big cross to denote a generalized cartesian product?

Looking in the The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List reveals a \bigtimes symbol defined by the mathabx package.

If you don't mind using a different font, kpfonts gives you the \varprod command:



$\varprod_{i=1}^n A_i$

  \varprod_{i=1}^n A_i


enter image description here

I would be more inclined to use \prod to denote a generalised cartesian product, though.

I am sure others will come up with simpler solutions, but here is an overkill solution that might be useful:

\newcommand{\Cross}{\mathbin{\tikz [x=1.4ex,y=1.4ex,line width=.2ex] \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) (0,1) -- (1,0);}}%
$A \Cross B$

enter image description here

Adjust the x= and y= options to change the size, and the line width= to adjust the thickness of the line. The \mathbin ensures that correct spacing for a binary operator is placed around the symbol.


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