How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

If you could use Ant then you would just use the JUnitReport task as detailed here:, but you mentioned in your question that you're not supposed to use Ant. I believe that task merely transforms the XML report into HTML so it would be feasible to use any XSLT processor to generate a similar report.

Alternatively, you could switch to using TestNG ( ) which is very similar to JUnit but has a default HTML report as well as several other cool features.

I found the above answers quite useful but not really general purpose, they all need some other major build system like Ant or Maven.

I wanted to generate a report in a simple one-shot command that I could call from anything (from a build, test or just myself) so I have created junit2html which can be found here:

You can install it by doing:

pip install junit2html

Alternatively for those using Maven build tool, there is a plugin called Surefire Report.

The report looks like this : Sample

You can easily do this via ant. Here is a build.xml file for doing this

 <project name="genTestReport" default="gen" basedir=".">
                Generate the HTML report from JUnit XML files

        <target name="gen">
                <property name="genReportDir" location="${basedir}/unitTestReports"/>
                <delete dir="${genReportDir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${genReportDir}"/>
                <junitreport todir="${basedir}/unitTestReports">
                        <fileset dir="${basedir}">
                                <include name="**/TEST-*.xml"/>
                        <report format="frames" todir="${genReportDir}/html"/>

This will find files with the format TEST-*.xml and generate reports into a folder named unitTestReports.

To run this (assuming the above file is called buildTestReports.xml) run the following command in the terminal:

ant -buildfile buildTestReports.xml